Thursday, May 26, 2011

Entertaining our economy to death or buy US MADE MUSIC

What to know why the US Made Music market is never touted by the biggest stars.  It's simple they work for Mufti-National-Corporations MNC that have one job and one job only maximum revenue for shareholders.  Think of the Dutch East Trading company looks like the girl scouts in this one.

So the basic premises is layed out here -- AltavozBlog

The premise of “buy indie support locals” is not just a catchy phrase. By buying independently produced entertainment product you are supporting the majority of the entertainment industry -- those artists, musicians, filmmakers and others who account for 90 percent of the product we produce -- yet only 10 percent of the sales. This “indie” business is of vital concern -- not just to our collective bottom line. It is the most important way we influence the world.

With this simple premise in mind we ask now how any official can now standby and let this economic disaster unfold into our homes hearts ears and minds.  The plain fact is if the music don't have US Made Music stamped on it then we now profits are being dancing out our boarders and we're entertaining our economy to death.  

So it turns out is right on....

Thursday, April 21, 2011

We're looking at some interesting numbers in Entertainment.

Remember when Entertainment was the U.S. greatest export and the greatest cultural force on the planet.

We do and we have some interesting numbers coming soon that will show how and when this stopped being the case.

This is some real Voodoo on the numbers.......

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Numbers in Wisconsin don't add up So they make total sense 2 the RIGHT.

Let's look at a few of the numbers and facts. And, remember folks! Keep an ear on the reason why this all came about according to Gov. Walker. 

"At least eight new or expanded state tax cuts and tax credits will go into effect at the beginning of 2011. These tax changes add up to an estimated $210 million cut in state taxes over the 2011-13 biennium"  

Wisconsin  is scheduled to receive the following socialist funds.

"Wisconsin will receive approximately $209 million from the federal government under H.R. 1586, a $26 billion plan to give states money for Medicaid and education that the President signed into law on August 10, 2010.[45]

Wisconsin was expected to receive $3.8 billion from the $787 billion dollar economic stimulus of 2009. [46] All told, the federal stimulus plan would create or save 70,000 jobs in Wisconsin, based on White House estimates. [47]
For more information on how the federal stimulus funds are being used in the state of Wisconsin, visit the state recovery website.

According to preliminary reports Wisconsin is expected to receive: [46]

$1.2 billion towards Medicaid
$107 million for the Clean Water State Revolving Fund
$529 million for highway funding
$81 million for transit
$27 million for homelessness prevention
$55 million towards the state energy program
$144 million towards weatherization
$9 million towards Head Start
$717 million towards the education stabilization fund
$180 million towards Title I education for the disadvantaged
$8 million for education technologyWisconsin will receive approximately $209 million from the federal government under H.R. 1586, a $26 billion plan to give states money for Medicaid and education that the President signed into law on August 10, 2010.[45]

During 2008, THE BOTTOM 95 percent (AGI under $159,619) PAID((((( 41.3)))))) percent of the total collected, a larger share than the 38.0 percent paid by the top 1 percent (AGI over $380,354)"

The data source is the IRS Statistics of Income Division, which uses a national sample of tax returns to provide the figures used here. The figures above were taken from data that were labeled an "early release" by SOI in October 2010. The 2007 figures and those for years previous on this page above were taken from the final percentile data released by the IRS. Figures for 2008 may be subsequently revised.
So who is group behind these numbers? 

"The Tax Foundation was organized on December 5, 1937 in New York City by Alfred P. Sloan, Jr., Chairman of the General Motors Corporation; Donaldson Brown, GM Financial Vice President; William S. Farish, President of Standard Oil Company of New Jersey; and Lewis H. Brown, President of Johns-Manville Corporation, who later became the first Chairman of the Board of the Foundation.[11] The stated goal of the organization was "to monitor the tax and spending policies of government agencies".[12] Its offices were located at 50 Rockefeller Plaza and later 30 Rockefeller Plaza.
Ongoing Directors:
Wayne E. Gable pre-1999-current ((((((Koch Industries Dir. of Federal Affairs,))))))))) Citizens for a Sound Economy, Americans for Prosperity"

Quick Facts about the Wisconsin Budget

"Based on the most recent national data (from 2008), Wisconsin ranked 27th in total state and local spending (measured as a percentage of income) Contrary to the perception that our state has a large government bureaucracy, 

Wisconsin ranked 43rd (8th lowest) in 2009 in the number of state employees relative to population, and 38th (13th lowest) in total state and local government employees relative to population  
Between the late 1980s and the mid-2000s: 

The average income of the poorest fifth of families did not change significantly.
The average income of the middle fifth of families increased by $6,583, from $46,706 to $53,288.
This is an increase of $387 per year. 

The average income of the richest fifth of families increased by $31,600, from $88,840 to $120,440. 

This is an increase of $1,859 per year."

 "In 2009, Wisconsin amended its tax policy to 
require combined reporting of corporate
income and expenses, joining 22 other states
that already had this policy. Some
policymakers are advocating for a repeal of 
combined reporting.
This change reduced the opportunity for
corporations to shift income to subsidiaries in
other states in an attempt to avoid corporate
income tax. Policymakers from a variety of
ideological backgrounds have advocated for
combined reporting, with then-Governor
Tommy Thompson first proposing the change
to the Legislature in 1999.
Re-opening this corporate tax loophole would
add roughly $100 million a year to the state’s
revenue shortfall."

Walker repealed this and he also added this little gem and repealing this will save huge corporations bundles of money Thanks @GovyW

"Walker won approval of a program that would excuse relocated small businesses from part of their income tax liability by means of credits that can be carried forward to future years (presumably pushing the $67 million revenue cost forward as well). 

Another new law will allow the state department of commerce (not the state tax administrator) to award an additional $25 million of economic development credits, raising the cost of the existing program to $100 million over two years. The state also established a tax credit for health savings accounts."

Lets look at what has happen to states that have gone the route that Gov. Walker is running the state down.

"Only 5 states do not have collective bargaining for educators and have deemed it illegal. Those states and their ranking on ACT/SAT scores are as follows:

South Carolina -50th

North Carolina -49th

Georgia -48th

Texas -47th

Virginia -44th

Wisconsin, on the other hand, with its collective bargaining for teachers, is ranked 2nd in the country. "

After looking at the numbers and the results from where others have tried similar measures what I can say about this whole debate is that Gov. Walker is and fast rising star in the world of Voodoo Economics.  

"Laffer that Supply Curve"

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

From a Reganite's lips to the GOP's heart or lack of it.

ARROYO GRANDE, Calif. (MarketWatch) -- "How my G.O.P. destroyed the U.S. economy." Yes, that is exactly what David Stockman, President Ronald Reagan's director of the Office of Management and Budget, wrote in a recent New York Times op-ed piece, "Four Deformations of the Apocalypse."

Get it? Not "destroying." The GOP has already "destroyed" the U.S. economy, setting up an "American Apocalypse."
Stockman rushes into the ring swinging like a boxer: "If there were such a thing as Chapter 11 for politicians, the Republican push to extend the unaffordable Bush tax cuts would amount to a bankruptcy filing. The nation's public debt ... will soon reach $18 trillion." It screams "out for austerity and sacrifice." But instead, the GOP insists "that the nation's wealthiest taxpayers be spared even a three-percentage-point rate increase."

Stockman says "the second unhappy change in the American economy has been the extraordinary growth of our public debt. In 1970 it was just 40% of gross domestic product, or about $425 billion. When it reaches $18 trillion, it will be 40 times greater than in 1970." Who's to blame? Not big-spending Dems, says Stockman, but "from the Republican Party's embrace, about three decades ago, of the insidious doctrine that deficits don't matter if they result from tax cuts."

Finally, thanks to Republican policies that let us "live beyond our means for decades by borrowing heavily from abroad, we have steadily sent jobs and production offshore," while at home "high-value jobs in goods production ... trade, transportation, information technology and the professions shrunk by 12% to 68 million from 77 million."
As the apocalypse draws near,

Stockman sees a class-rebellion, a new revolution, a war against greed and the wealthy. Soon. The trigger will be the growing gap between economic classes: No wonder "that during the last bubble (from 2002 to 2006) the top 1% of Americans -- paid mainly from the Wall Street casino -- received two-thirds of the gain in national income, while the bottom 90% -- mainly dependent on Main Street's shrinking economy -- got only 12%. This growing wealth gap is not the market's fault. It's the decaying fruit of bad economic policy."

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

What the GOP at it again with fuzzy economics! Oh wait we call it~

So when was the last time some said let's cut all government spending across the board.

Oh, yea Ronnie Regan did when he was President and everyone, save real number crunching economist hailed it as a revolution.    So what was the problem.   Then like now the Federal Gov is throwing money into a cement mixer of DHS/NSA/DOD/CORP pig troughs at levels not seen since the Gipper.

The result has been unprecedented government debt. Reagan has tripled the Gross Federal Debt, from $900 billion to $2.7 trillion. Ford and Carter in their combined terms could only double it. It took 31 years to accomplish the first postwar debt tripling, yet Reagan did it in eight.

What he did was to raise levels of spending at increasing rates mainly in DOD and Overseas Aid, I can still remember by Econ 300 teacher posting the carts showing the growth across these areas verses anything that would help the non million class of US Folk in Education, National Infrastructure, Public Health and the record of the GOP when it comes to taking care of Veterans speaks for itself.  

We'll send them to war in a minute yet we won't spend a dime more then the public makes us to take care of them once they are home.  Let's call them heros and btw our banks need more tax payer money.

Because what he did next is just what the current Congress is proposing. After dumping so much extra money in the usual stoved-piped special interest areas the big plan is to cut everyone across the board.  Some agencies that have not seen funding increases in years (because we have to save big business) when viewed against DHS' or DOD's drunken binging budget days is not even close to be equal cuts.

It's like giving someone a mile head start in a 3 mile race and exactly why we call it Voodoo Economics.