Monday, December 13, 2010

Could someone let the administration econ team know that it's wrong.

The current assumptions that the using to engage the situations at hand are not the correct tools.  the fact of the matter is that the Gov stimulus didn't nothing since anyone with an ECON 101 class under their belt knows that there is no G in either  Demand or Supply

As for the this laughable position by the GOP about the top of the top needing tax cuts is so pathetic and has no basis in any economic theory that is still usable in today reality.   Heck they might was well come to work with some corp tag sewed on their blue suits.

Jobs are created by people so for those trying to do so might want to ask some.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Welcome to Voodoo Economics

Having received an BS in Economic for the University of Maryland, College Park in the 80's while working in GOP politics on the Hill  [RNC & American Conservative Union]

I feel that I am uniquely qualified to discuss this subject theory and practice having been observed over the last two decades.

What this allows me is the expanse to make sense of what was taught then, what was done, and  how that is being framed to make economic statements and projections today.

So that is what we are going to do